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How to be confident

Confidence is the full trust and belief in yourself. Everyone has problems with the issue of self confidence especially the teenagers. So I decided to give few tips on how to build self confidence.

🔵 Dress with confidence
You don’t have to spend a fortune on new clothes as long as you have those that make you feel comfortable and happy.

🔵speak positively
Don’t bring yourself and others down. Speak good things always and don’t let negativity dominate your heart.

🔵 Recognise your flaws
If you know your flaws, then no one can bring you down about it. If someone mentions your flaws to you,  just smile and say i know. That alone makes you feel more confident about yourself.

🔵Don’t forget to smile
Smiling brings out the inner beauty of a person and it also makes other people like you and attracted to you which makes you feel confident.

🔵Be original
I can’t stress how important it is to be yourself. You can’t last long trying to copy another person’s lifestyle. Be true to who you are and let people love you for it instead of trying to copy another person.

🔵Practice confidence
If you practice confidence, it will become part of you. Talk to new people, maintain eye contact, embrace your interests and build confidence.

🔵Accept complement
Take complement appreciatively, don’t walk away or shrug… Just say thank you politely. It shows you have self worth. Also, don’t be afraid to complement others. If they look nice, tell them. They will appreciate it.

🔵Believe in yourself
Don’t let other people’s comment bring you down. don’t let people stop you from being yourself. Be determined.

🔵Be thankful for what you have
Don’t just complain all the time. Every morning, wake up and think about all the good things about yourself and silently say thank you to God. Doing that is going to make you feel fulfilled.

Remember that everyone has problems with confidence so you’re not alone. Find all your good qualities and take on the world.💪💪

Have a nice day!✌✌


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